Phase 2 Re-Opening Beginning June 17th

The safety and well-being of our Residents and Employees is our top priority.  With this in mind, Edgewood Summit will slowly and carefully resume some limited and still restricted services in incremental phases as our County, State and City begin to re-open.  All phases of the plan for re-opening require the number of cases within our area and within our campus to remain below specific thresholds.  The other requirements include:  sufficient staffing, supplies of personal protective equipment and cleaning products and the ability to obtain testing and maintain the safety of all.  The Residents of Edgewood Summit are considered a “high risk” population and therefore our strategies for re-opening will be slower than those for the general public and will not be the same as those public businesses.  The safest strategy is to “Stay at Home” and avoid all unnecessary and nonessential visits, travel and associations.

While Governor Justice’s most recent order allows visitation to our campus effective June 17th, we must realize that screening of all must still occur upon entry, hand sanitizing, wearing a mask and practicing social distancing must still take place.  Visiting hours will be restricted to the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., visits must take place in the Resident’s apartment with 2-4 visitors at a time in Independent Living and no more than 2 visitors at a time in any of our health care settings.  Appointments for visiting will be needed in The Ridgemont and the Hodges Center.

Please note that if the Bureau of Public Health reports on widespread viruses in the community or if our campus would have 2 or more cases, then the restrictions on care, services and visitation would revert to the most restrictive settings.

The services with Phase 2 are as follows:  


Visitation guidelines will now allow for visitation of Residents in all levels of living.  Visitors must still consent to screening upon entry, wearing masks, social distancing of 6 feet or more and frequent hand hygiene is still required.  All visitation must take place during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Adult Visitors (Children 12 years of age and older ONLY) must be limited to allow for sufficient social distancing – no more than 4 Visitors per Resident at a time in Independent Living and no more than 2 at a time per Resident in our health care settings. 

Appointments are required for Visitors in the Hodges Center at 304-720-2740 and The Ridgemont at 304-346-2355 and may be scheduled with the respective Receptionist.  All visits will take place in the Resident’s private apartment.  No common areas are available for visiting with outside guests.

Anyone experiencing illness is not permitted to visit and those who experience illness following visitation are asked to notify Edgewood Summit as soon as possible for contact tracing to be conducted.

Non-essential personnel, such as contractors and other providers are now permitted in the buildings and must be screened upon entry, wear masks, social distance from others and use proper, frequent hand hygiene.

Small Group Activities

Small group activities (10 or less) can now begin with all participants continuing to wear a mask and if the area allows for practicing 6 feet of social distancing. (The number of Residents may have to be less than 10 if the area does not allow for sufficient social distancing.)  Group exercise is not included in Phase 2.  Exercises classes will continue to be offered on the in-house television channel.  Card playing is not recommended due to the cross contamination when handling of the cards and the closer distance necessary to play.


Appointment based transportation for essential trips may resume for Independent Living and do not have to be medical in nature.  Only one Resident with the Driver in the sedan unless two are from the same household.  Must continue to wear masks and keep social distance where possible.  Shuttle bus appointments with no more than 5 Residents on the bus and the Driver.  Residents in any health care setting are restricted to medically necessary appointments outside of the campus or on a case by case basis for any exceptions.  All Residents must wear masks and practice social distancing.  The vehicles will be cleaned and sanitized between appointments.  Advance notice is still required for all transportation appointments.

Beauty Salon

Appointment based salon services for hair may resume for all Residents, including health care Residents, with no walk-ins permitted. Must wear masks and hand sanitize and keep social distancing.  Cash transactions are not permitted at this time although checks are accepted.  Fees may be charged to account with Edgewood Summit.  Wait for appointment outside of salon.

Fitness Center

Fitness Center may be used by appointment by 1 Resident at a time or 2 Residents from same household.  Hours will be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday.  The equipment must be cleaned and sanitized between appointments.  A daily schedule will be posted with times reserved.  Contact Lifestyles for an appointment.

Dining Services

Meal delivery services continue to be available to your apartment.  Breakfast and Dinner for Independent Living remains as delivery service only in this Phase 2.  Lunch in the Independent dining rooms will resume for the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday only with social distancing, hand hygiene and wearing masks until food or beverages are served.   Tables will permit Residents to dine at 2 persons per table.  The dining tables and chairs will be cleaned and sanitized prior to seating the next guests.  Some disposable, single-use products will continue to be used for meals. 

The Ridgemont Residents will be able to dine in the Ridgemont Dining Room for Lunch only at an early seating (11:30 a.m.) or a later seating (12:45 p.m.) Monday thru Friday only.  Nursing will help determine which seating time based upon Resident preferences.  Breakfast and Dinner will continue to be available for delivery to the Resident’s apartment.  The Hodges Center meals will be served in the respective dining rooms at Hodges as social distancing and Resident preferences allow.

No outside guests are permitted in the dining rooms in Phase 2.

The Café remains available for take-out or delivery of prepared items and miscellaneous other items for purchase.  Direct charge to your account is preferred rather than a cash purchase.

Therapy Services

Therapy Services will resume based upon individual needs assessment and physician order for each Resident deemed in need.  Services will be conducted in the Resident’s private apartment or in the Fitness Center or Therapy Room (Hodges Center) by appointment only.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to safety for everyone.

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