COVID-19 Update | January 28, 2022

Edgewood Summit has had reports of five additional people who have tested positive for COVID since our last update on January 24, 2022.  One Employee working in The Ridgemont, one Employee who works in Dining Services, two Residents and two Employees at the Hodges Center.  Thankfully, we have 100 percent of our Residents vaccinated and boosted which has helped everyone have mild symptoms and recover quickly.  Employees are vaccinated at 100.0 percent with Booster numbers not updated at the current time.

Our summary of COVID information is as follows:

                                                                   Cases                                           Recovered

Residents in The Ridgemont                       15                                                   15

Employees in The Ridgemont                     16                                                   14

Residents in Independent Living                 7                                                      7

Residents in the Hodges Center                  5                                                      1

Employees in the Hodges Center                3                                                      1

Employees in Other Departments              8                                                      5 

Private Contractors/Caregivers                _                                                    8

Total                                                              63                                                   51                                             

Any individual who tests positive for COVID is advised to contact friends, family, etc. in which he/she has had direct and sustained contact within the days preceding illness to advise of possible exposure.  Edgewood Summit will also call you if we are aware of any exposures to an individual who tests positive.

A good quality mask is important.  Edgewood Summit recently provided Residents with a KN95 mask and additional KN95 masks are available for sale in the Café at a nominal charge.  Masks can also be ordered through Amazon.  Also recommended are N95 masks or wearing two surgical masks or 1 surgical mask with 1 cloth mask.  Please ensure your mask is worn snuggly over your mouth and nose when in contact with others.  Privately employed Caregivers and their Resident employers are asked to wear their masks while in direct contact with one another. 

Entry to the main building still requires screening.  Visitation remains unchanged except for The Ridgemont which is compassionate care visits only by scheduled appointment with the Nursing Department.

Group activities, meetings and events are not taking place at this time.  Meals are continuing to be delivered to homes and the Café is for take-out only.  The Hair Salon will be closed until at least Tuesday, February 1st.  Transportation and Housekeeping continue with service limitations. 

Services will need to remain limited while we wait for positive cases to diminish on our campus and in the greater Charleston area.  Cases in Kanawha County and around the state remain quite high and caution is recommended.  Senior living communities outside of West Virginia who are ahead of us in terms of the Omicron surge warn us to be cautious about re-opening too fast.  Those who have re-opened too quickly have had to re-instate limitations as new outbreaks of positive cases have occurred.  The correlation between what is happening in our county is a good indicator of what will occur on our campus.

We appreciate your continued patience, cooperation and support as we all do our part to come through this latest surge in a safe and healthy way.  We are hopeful for no new positives next week.  Thank you. 

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