Coronavirus Precautions | May 8, 2020

Dear Edgewood Summit Residents, Families and Employees:

WV Governor Justice issued an Executive Order this week directing all nursing homes throughout the state of West Virginia to test all those that reside and/or work in Assisted Living and Residential Care Communities for COVID-19. Since issuing the order, the number of tests have been identified and private testing facilities have aligned to perform the tests and expedite the collection of data.

Edgewood Summit has been directed to test the Residents at The Ridgemont and all Employees. Residents and Staff who were previously tested as part of the Hodges Center mandatory testing will not be required to re-test unless symptoms exist or unless requested.

The tests will be conducted on Thursday, May 14th and Residents and Families at The Ridgemont are being notified by phone or in person. Employees are being notified by their Department Director or Supervisor and by letter.

Although we hope the results of the mandatory tests will reveal no positive COVID-19 cases, Edgewood Summit is prepared for the possibility and have designated specific areas at The Ridgemont for isolation, personal protective equipment stations and assignments of staff. Residents who are positive will remain onsite if stable and isolated to contain and protect others.

A previous communication relayed a Ridgemont Resident who was being tested for COVID-19 as a result of a possible exposure to someone who tested positive. The Resident self-isolated and was tested twice. Both tests have been negative and the isolation zone at The Ridgemont is eliminated although prior restrictions and limitations remain in place.

Edgewood Summit did just receive notice of an Employee who has tested positive due to travel related exposure. The Employee traveled out of state and was self-isolating at home prior to returning to work. Symptoms began and testing was required. The result was a positive case and will require further isolation, symptoms to resolve and a re-test with a negative result prior to returning to work. Due to the length of time which has passed since the Employee was last at work, the Health Department has deemed no further action is needed and no exposure to anyone at Edgewood Summit has taken place. Edgewood Summit is required to report the case to all concerned.

Monitoring and restrictions will continue and any test results and/or new information will be shared with our Edgewood Summit family and the government agencies involved in tracking and assessing the data.

Thank you for your continued cooperation in social distancing, wearing of masks, hand washing, sneeze/cough etiquette and reporting any symptoms of illness to our Nursing Department. The actions of everyone at Edgewood Summit have positively contributed to our favorable results thus far. Keep sending good thoughts and prayers to all. Take care. Stay safe.

Warm regards,

Diane Gouhin
Executive Director

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