COVID-19 Update | February 4, 2022

Edgewood Summit has had reports of three additional people who have tested positive for COVID since our last update on January 31, 2022.  Two Employees and one Resident at the Hodges Center.  Thankfully, we have 100 percent of our Residents and Employees fully vaccinated which has helped everyone have mild symptoms and recover quickly.

COVID cases continue to lessen in the county and the state.  The Edgewood Summit campus is also seeing a corresponding downward trend in positive cases. 

If no new cases occur at The Ridgemont before February 9th, the Outbreak precautions will end on Wednesday, February 9th.  Likewise, if no new cases occur in Independent Living, a slow re-start of services will also begin on February 9th.  Activities will begin with small group events of no more than 10 Residents for the main building.  Masks are required to be worn by all during the activity.  Sign up will be requested.

Dining Services will begin with Breakfast and Lunch in the Dining Rooms, Dinner services will remain as delivery only.  The Café will continue for take-out only.  Housekeeping will continue with every other week or by request.  The Hodges Center remains in Outbreak precautions. The Hair Salon may begin on Wednesday, February 9th with one Stylist and one Resident in the Salon at a time.  (Please wait to be called for your appointment by the Stylist to allow for social distancing in the Salon.)

Our latest summary of COVID information is as follows:

                                                            Cases in 2022              Fully Recovered         Active Cases

Residents in The Ridgemont                         15                             15                                    0

Employees in The Ridgemont                        16                             15                                    0

Residents in Independent Living                    7                                7                                    0

Residents in the Hodges Center                      6                               2                                    4

Employees in the Hodges Center                   6                                2                                    3

Employees in Other Departments                   9                                8                                    1

Private Contractors/Caregivers                    9                                 9                                   0

Total                                                               66                              59                                   8                 

A good quality mask is important.  Edgewood Summit has KN95 masks available for sale in the Café at a nominal charge.  Masks can also be ordered through Amazon.  Please ensure your mask is worn snuggly over your mouth and nose when in contact with others.  Privately employed Caregivers and their Resident employers are asked to wear their masks while in direct contact with one another.  Mask mandates in public areas of the Community will remain in place.  Entry to the main building still requires screening.  Visitation is back to normal at The Ridgemont.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. 

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