COVID-19 Update – January 21, 2022

Edgewood Summit has had reports of eleven additional people who have tested positive for COVID since our last update on January 17, 2022.  Two individuals who are positive work privately as Caregivers for Residents.  Four Employees working in The Ridgemont, two Residents living in The Ridgemont, two Employees who work in Other Departments and one Resident at the Hodges Center.  Thankfully, we have 100 percent of our Residents vaccinated and boosted which has helped everyone have mild symptoms and recover quickly.  Employees are vaccinated at 100.0 percent with Booster numbers not updated at the current time.

Our summary of COVID information is as follows:

                                                                   Cases                                           Recovered

Residents in The Ridgemont                       15                                                     7

Employees in The Ridgemont                     14                                                   12

Residents in Independent Living                 7                                                      7

Residents in the Hodges Center                   2                                                      0

Employees in the Hodges Center                 1                                                      1

Employees in Other Departments               6                                                      4 

Private Contractors/Caregivers                _                                                    6

Total                                                              54                                                   37                                             

Any individual who tests positive for COVID is advised to contact friends, family, etc. in which he/she has had direct and sustained contact within the days preceding illness to advise of possible exposure.  Direct contact is defined as close contact without masks and without social distancing for a period of 15 minutes or longer.  Edgewood Summit will also call you if we are aware of any exposures to an individual who tests positive.

A good quality mask is important.  Edgewood Summit provided Residents with a KN95 mask last week and additional KN95 masks are available for sale in the Café at a nominal charge.  Masks can also be ordered through Amazon.  Also recommended are N95 masks or wearing two surgical masks or 1 surgical mask with 1 cloth mask.  Please ensure your mask is worn snuggly over your mouth and nose when in contact with others.  Privately employed Caregivers and their Resident employers are asked to wear their masks while in direct contact with one another. 

Each Resident who tests positive for COVID is urged to self-isolate for at least 10 days and have no fever for 24 hours without medications and your symptoms are resolving or have resolved.  After the 10-day period, each Resident is contacted to ensure improvements in health will allow for the end to self-isolation. 

Testing continues to be available for those who experience symptoms.  Exposure testing is now recommended to wait at least 2 days following exposure.  If a negative result, testing is not repeated until day 5-7 if asymptomatic.  Testing is no longer recommended at the end of the period of self-isolation as positive COVID individuals who have recovered are able to test positive for up to 90 days following illness.

Entry to the main building continues through the Independent Living lobby while The Ridgemont and the Hodges Center are using outbreak protocols.  Screening continues to be done upon entry for all. Visitation at The Ridgemont is limited to compassionate care and may be arranged by calling the Nursing Department in advance.  The Independent Living and Hodges Center visitation is unchanged. 

Group activities, meetings and events are not taking place at this time.  Meals are continuing to be delivered to homes and the Café is for take-out only.  The Hair Salon will be closed until at least Tuesday, January 25th.  Transportation is for essential services only (doctor appointment, pharmacy, groceries, etc.) and social distances are maintained on the Edgewood Summit bus and sedan.  Housekeeping services are every other week or upon request if between appointments.  The Fitness Center is to be used by no more than two people at a time to allow for social distancing to be maintained.  Please sanitize the equipment after use when possible or contact Housekeeping for assistance.  Services will need to remain limited while we wait for positive cases to fade out.

We appreciate your continued patience, cooperation and support as we all do our part to come through this latest surge in a safe and healthy way.   Re-opening of services will not be possible until no new positive cases are encountered for 14 days.  Thank you.

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