COVID-19 Update November 9, 2020

Edgewood Summit is pleased to report no new positive COVID-19 cases on the campus. These subsequent negative test results indicate the outbreak previously reported is now concluded and restrictions at the community have ended. Residents and staff who previously tested positive have fully recovered. This is uplifting news for everyone at Edgewood Summit.

No one at the community is experiencing COVID-19 signs or symptoms. Edgewood Summit is continuing its precautionary efforts to combat the virus. They are adhering to federal and state guidelines to keep all residents and team members safe, while initiating the following actions:

  • Weekly surveillance testing for residents and staff in The Hodges Center.
  • Testing based upon symptoms, travel or contact with someone known to have the virus.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procedures are being followed by all team members.
  • Screening of all visitors and staff before entering the building.

Small group activities and dining will resume with proper social distancing and masks requirements, including wearing masks while in public places, except while eating. Family visits are encouraged and recommended to take place outdoors for the safety and health of our residents, families, and staff.

Thank you to the Edgewood Summit employees for the truly outstanding work being done each day in caring for the residents and each other during these challenging times. The community has a great team of dedicated employees who show how much they care for and about the residents.  Edgewood Summit has a long history of a warm, welcoming culture and high standards of quality. We’re proud to continue this legacy.

Lastly, thank you to the families and residents for all the well wishes as we continue to mourn the loss of two residents in October. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with their families. We will continue to provide updates as new information is available.

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