Coronavirus Precautions: Executive Director Update | March 24, 2020

Dear Residents and Families of Edgewood Summit:

Edgewood Summit is continuing to remain vigilant with our restrictions and screening in place and “essential-only” visitation at this time. Currently Edgewood Summit does not have any cases within our community, although confirmed cases in our state and county are being experienced. We are monitoring for symptoms from residents and employees and taking all the necessary precautions as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, the WV Department of Health and Human Services, and the Kanawha Charleston Health Department. Edgewood Summit is an essential business as defined by the governor of West Virginia, and we consider all our employees “essential,” so there is no change to our operations in light of the governor’s “stay at home” mandate.

Essential visits are defined as those for direct care needs and end-of-life situations. We ask our families to please refrain from visiting unless the visit is for direct care needs. Groceries, pharmacy, etc., being delivered should be left for our employees to deliver to individual apartments. We ask for everyone’s cooperation to continue to fight against coronavirus coming into our community. Everyone must be screened at one of our three main points of entry where reception desks are staffed. All residents, employees, visitors and private caregivers are required to complete a risk questionnaire and submit to a temperature check and hand sanitize prior to entering the community each time. Other entrances to the individual wings should not be used for entry but are still operable for exit. All approved essential visitors must go directly to the resident’s apartment and directly out of the building when leaving. We must insist that the rules be followed to remain as safe as we can.

Residents are continuing to have meals delivered to their apartments, and activities are provided daily through the in-house television channel and a daily packet of items to read and puzzles to solve. I am happy to have received many compliments and suggestions daily. All therapy appointments will take place in your apartment at this time. Residents are welcome to move about the community but are urged to remember the social distancing of 6 feet or more and to refrain from handshakes, hugs, etc.

We are discouraging residents from going out except for necessary medical appointments. Many grocery stores are now announcing “senior-only” days and specific times to shop, and we also continue to provide errand services for groceries and pharmacy. If you or your families have the ability to order your groceries and have them delivered, I encourage you to use that service. Watch for more information on the in-house television channel. Housekeeping services in apartments are currently every other week or by request to allow sanitizing and cleaning efforts to be focused in the commonly touched areas and surfaces in the shared areas of the buildings.

We understand the importance of connecting with family members and friends and can recommend a variety of ways to connect such as Facebook, FaceTime, Skype, email, phone or text. If you would like help with a FaceTime session to talk with your family members, please contact the Lifestyle Department to set up the call.

Edgewood Summit is tracking our personal protective equipment and supplies daily. Many of our reorders for specific items of personal protective equipment are back ordered due to challenges in the supply chain. Therefore, we have begun accepting donations of masks, gloves and other necessary medical items and have received some early favorable response. Donations are to be dropped off during the house of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at our temporary Guard Hut at the entrance to the property. Edgewood Summit is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, so donations can be tax deductible.

We thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding as we continue to provide care and services under these unprecedented circumstances. Please check our website at and the Edgewood Summit Facebook page for updated information.

I am happy to answer any additional questions you may have and to provide an update should there be a significant change to the situation at Edgewood Summit. You can reach me at 304-346-2323.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Diane Gouhin

Executive Director

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