Coronavirus Precautions: An Update from our Executive Director

March 16, 2020

Dear Residents and Families of Edgewood Summit:

The Coronavirus prevention measures have evolved quickly as more cases are being identified in almost every state. Currently Edgewood Summit does not have any cases at the Community. Our prevention efforts have increased since yesterday on the mandate of the Centers for Disease Control to include: no group dining and no group activities within the Community and to restrict all visitors to “essential only”. Essential visits are defined as those for direct care needs and end of life situations. Everyone must be screened at one of our three main points of entry where reception desks are manned. All Residents, Employees, Visitors and Private Caregivers are required to complete a risk questionnaire and submit to a temperature check and hand sanitize prior to entering the community each time. Other entrances to the individual wings should not be used for entry but are still operable for exit. Residents are having meals delivered to their apartments based upon what they have pre-ordered and menus are being simplified. Activities changes include providing Residents with education, wellness, spiritual and more through the inhouse television channel (movies, exercise videos, TED talks, etc.) and a daily packet of items to read, puzzles to solve and suggested things which can be done while in your apartments should also help. All therapy appointments will take place in your apartment. Residents are welcome to move about the Community but are urged to remember the social distancing of 6 feet or more and to refrain from handshakes, hugs, etc. We are asked to discourage Residents from going out except for necessary medical appointments.

Beginning this week, Residents will be asked to not go out for groceries if possible and to order groceries for delivery to the building as an extra layer of precaution. If you or your families have the ability to order your groceries and have them delivered, I would suggest pursuing that service. If not, our Employees can assist you in setting up an account, placing orders and delivering to your apartment. You can arrange for grocery orders through the Transportation Department with charges placed on your Edgewood Summit statement. Alternately, we can help you set up an account with Kroger for the “Click It Service” which requires a credit card to be used. Watch for more information on the inhouse television channel. The Beauty Salon is closed this week and next week. Housekeeping Services in your apartments will change to every other week or by request for the next 30 days.

We know everyone is concerned about the recent news and events and everyone is adapting and coping to the best of our ability. Ensuring our Residents and Employees are cared for and healthy in our environment is our greatest and overriding concern. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended all of these steps of implementation and more may follow as the situation continues to evolve. However, we will need everyone’s cooperation to help to continue in this battle against COVID-19.

We understand how important connecting with family members and friends are and can recommend a variety of ways to connect such as: Facebook, FaceTime, Skype, email, phone or text. If you would like help with a FaceTime appointment to talk with your family members, please contact the Lifestyle Department to set up the call.

Residents and Employees continue to be educated on proper hand sanitizing and hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette. They have also been advised to stay in their apartment home if experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness and to report those to our Nursing Department who can help to assess if further actions are needed. Testing for Influenza can help to distinguish between regular colds versus Flu and then to identify possible cases for COVID-19 testing. All possible cases for COVID-19 testing must be referred to the local Health Departments who will make that determination. Additionally, we have increased our cleaning frequency of all surfaces with a health care approved cleaner and disinfectant recommended for the toughest germs and viruses available for purchase.

Edgewood Summit has had in place policies and procedures for proper infection control including the ability to provide contact isolation and protective equipment for those who need it to provide care. Supplies are sufficient and recent orders will increase those quantities for an abundance of precaution. Furthermore, we have Pandemic Policies and Procedures for cases similar to what we are anticipating. Those policies are now in place and effective. Our Employees train in these policies as part of our new hire orientation and then are given refresher training on an annual basis. The Medical Director and our Infection Control Specialist are in frequent communication and making recommendations as needed for our strategies.

We thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding as we adapt to each new directive as it becomes known. We understand everyone is doing their best to make the situation as good as we can under the circumstances.

I am happy to answer any additional questions you may have and to provide an update should there be a significant change to the situation at Edgewood Summit.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Diane Gouhin
Executive Director

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